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How to Win Apple Product Online

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As of late, making money and redeeming prizes online has become much more common and doable than, say, ten years ago. It used to be that only the most business-savvy were able to bring home bread on the internet. Fortunately, times have changed and everyone has the potential to get their grab of online cash and prizes. Today I'd like to talk specifically about online competitions revolving around winning an iPad or perhaps a new iPhone.


Why go for Apple Products as Opposed to Money?


So, you're excited and you're ready to cash out online. Let's stop and think for a second. When you make some money online, what are you going to do with it? Say you want to save up for a new iPad. While making money online and saving up for one is realistic, wouldn't it be easier just to get an iPad as payment? Think about it for a second. What do you think is more sought after? An iPad or enough money to buy an iPad? Everyone wants more money, slightly less people need a new iPad. When competing for money online, you're competing with everyone. But when competing for a particular product online, you're only competing with others who want that same product, so the competition would is less fierce.


Where Can I Enter Competitions?


While it's easy to sit here and talk about iPads and the like, it's another thing to actually win one. Well for starters, Engadget just gave away an iPad Air. Companies like this are practically throwing products at people all the time. It wouldn't do much good for me to list off any companies as new competitions are being won daily. Finding new ones is pretty simple though.


How to Find the Newest Competitions


- Of coarse you'll want to start off with a simple search on your search engine of choice. Something like "win an iPhone" or "iPad giveaway" should start you off in the right direction. The first thing you'll notice after that is the hundreds of competitions available.


- Decide on a competition that offers that product you seek. Do another search engine search, this time on the company offering the product giveaway of your choice. If no negative feedback comes back on the company, go ahead and enter it.


- Remember, just because there's no positive feedback on the company, that doesn't mean they aren't reputable. People are much more likely to complain about a company than they are to complement it.


- Enter any given prize draw as many times as you can. A lot of companies will allow you to enter up to ten times! You already took the time to get there, you may as well take advantage of what they have to offer.


- Enter a bunch of competitions. So many people will enter just one product giveaway at any given time. Take advantage of this and get a step up on your opponents.


And remember. Just because you won the prize you were after, that doesn't mean you should stop there. There are new competitions to be won daily, why not make the most out of it? Use these tips to keep a step up on the competition and get what you want!

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